Qingdao Vethy Industrial Co., Ltd.

Whatsapp:+8618561534326 Email:info@vethy.com

Vethy: Leading the Charge in Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

Vethy champions environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility through green manufacturing, eco-friendly innovations, and energy efficiency. Committed to reducing its carbon footprint, the company has set ambitious sustainability goals, including achieving carbon neutrality and zero waste to landfill. Vethy's initiatives extend beyond operations to include community engagement, employee wellness, and supporting green technologies. With significant achievements in renewable energy use and sustainable product development, Vethy is leading the way in promoting a more sustainable and responsible automotive industry.

  • Community Engagement Programs

    Vethy actively participates in community development programs. This includes sponsoring local events, supporting educational initiatives, and contributing to community welfare projects. The aim is to foster a strong, positive relationship with the communities where Vethy operates.

  • Employee Volunteering

    Encouraging employees to volunteer for social causes is a key part of Vethy's culture. The company offers paid leave for volunteering and partners with non-profits and NGOs for various social initiatives, ranging from environmental cleanups to educational workshops.

  • Sustainable Transportation Solutions

    As part of its commitment to environmental sustainability, Vethy invests in research and development of sustainable transportation solutions. This includes not only advancing electric vehicle technology but also supporting infrastructure projects that encourage the use of eco-friendly transport options.

  • Education and Training Scholarships

    Vethy funds scholarships and training programs, especially in the fields of engineering and technology. These initiatives aim to support and nurture future talents who can contribute to sustainable technological advancements.

  • Ethical Supply Chain Practices

    The company ensures that its supply chain practices are ethical and socially responsible. This includes fair labor practices, responsible sourcing, and ensuring that suppliers meet social and environmental standards.

  • Health and Wellness Programs for Employees

    Vethy prioritizes the health and well-being of its employees. The company offers comprehensive health programs, wellness initiatives, and mental health support, fostering a productive and healthy work environment.

  • Disaster Relief and Emergency Response

    The company has a dedicated fund and response team for disaster relief efforts. Vethy contributes to both local and international relief efforts in times of natural disasters or emergencies, providing aid and support to affected communities.

  • Promoting Environmental Awareness

    Vethy conducts campaigns and events to raise awareness about environmental issues. These initiatives aim to educate the public and employees about sustainable practices and the importance of protecting the environment.

  • Supporting Green Startups and Innovations

    As part of its commitment to fostering innovation, Vethy invests in and supports startups working on green technologies and sustainable solutions, helping to bring new and innovative ideas to market.

  • Corporate Transparency and Ethical Governance

    Vethy maintains high standards of transparency and ethical governance. The company regularly publishes reports on its social responsibility initiatives and adheres to ethical business practices, reinforcing its commitment to responsible corporate citizenship.